Anyway, I've gone on a tangent per usual. I apologize if I confuse anybody from here on out. I'm working on this tendency, so hopefully throughout NCCC I'll be able to stay on topic. As I was mentioning before, the holidays/New Years I'm sure will fly by, at which point January will bring with it a set of goals...
A few of them:
1. Catch up with friends and family - After graduating last May, I jumped right into work full-time. This wasn't a problem, especially for me, because I'd go crazy otherwise. But I'm looking forward to making some time to catch up with folks I haven't seen in awhile as well as celebrating the fact I've accomplished getting a degree. Yippee! (It still hasn't hit me) (I also like to rhyme) I'm also glad I'll be able to see Nathan, my little brother from Big Brothers Big Sisters Mass Bay, a bit more before I leave in Feb.
2. Learn - It's sad that I've gone through five years of Spanish classes and graduated with a minor in American Sign Language, and I've barely practiced either of them. January will present me with no excuses not to, so hopefully I can be able to have fluent conversation without asking someone to repeat the question 10 times.
3. Volunteer - There are several opportunities I've been trying to get more involved with, but my work/commute hours have either left me busy or tired, and in some cases cranky. My motivation is gone when I get like that, and I end up sitting and just getting stuck in my head, which is just plain unhealthy and unnecessary, and it never helps.
4. Get and STAY in shape - I've gotten to a point in life where if I don't eat well AND exercise, I pay for it. Somehow, even just for years ago, I didn't have to worry about this. I don't what it was, because I stopped growing in 8th grade. Maybe it was college. In any case, I need to stay in the habit, and it's got to be a part of my life on a consistent basis, regardless of how stressed and busy I get. Watch, you'll see, I'll be ripped. Keep an eye out for me, WWF.
There are more, I'm sure, and they'll pop into mind as the days go by. But I think this suffices as an entry for now. There probably won't be much more until just before I leave in February. I want to keep this as relevant as I can without going into too much tangent or fluff, or anything personal. Although, I suppose that is the point of a blog, to show it from a personal perspective. But we'll see how in depth I'm ready to go. Wow. I feel like I'm getting stuck in my mind. Am I? I don't know. Wait, who said that?
I'm looking forward to keeping up with your blog and hearing all about your post-admission office life! :)