Currently it is Saturday. We had a team physical training session this morning and I huffed and puffed through it thanks to my congested cold. Currently the entire house is sick, as well as a good portion of the village, but we're trucking on through. My housemates and I have been going through oranges like there's no tomorrow.
Anyway, I wanted to blog about CTI, since it's been the major part of this entire month. CTI stands for Corps Training Institute, and it is a month-long program that includes various types of training (CPR/First Aid/Disaster Services/Diversity/Van-driver's Ed/active citizenship/tool training/ and more). Below find us learning about using tools at Black and Decker University. Yes, you heard me right.

And of course, there's me, using the buzz saw, or circle saw, as I like to call it.

Anyway, this was just one day of training. There's a lot more to CTI than just that. A big part of this entire month is PT. Physical training, 5 times a week since I'll be firefighting (and more since I've been doing it on Saturday and Sunday as well). We take up the entire gym where it all begins at 5:45am. It's an intense work-out, and it's paid off.

Of course, not all of it is physical training. We've been taking courses as well on campus. In the image below we're in the theater located across from the gym.

It all concludes in two weeks. I'm excited for this upcoming week. The firefighters will be leaving tomorrow for West Virginia where we will be staying for a week for training. Busy week coming up! More to come!
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