Well, we're officially off on our journey for the year. Yesterday, all 136 of us were inducted at the ceremony held nearby in Perryville at Minker Hall. Very similar to a graduation ceremony, we lined up in order of team and unit, proceeded into the hall and took our seats. We had some very special guests -- three CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) alumni. FYI - The CCC was founded in the 30's by Roosevelt as a peace-time kind of army, working on the conservation of the land in the country. Since it has evolved into NCCC today, it was nice to be able to have some of the original members of the CCC there at the ceremony.
It was nice to dress in our polos and black khakis. I know that I've personally been waiting a while to wear them, looking forward to being snazzy and professional (as you can see on the men of Badger 6 above). These are the uniforms we primarily save for bigger occasions, ceremonies, recruitment events, and of course, graduation at the end of the year. As a Corps Ambassador Representative (CAP - my team specialty role), I'll be making use of it a lot for events. I'll more about that when our first event comes along.
All in all, we had some motivating speeches and a few good Badger cheers to show off to the crowd, had some cake and punch, and made our way back to the village. Now time to fulfill our commitment to getting things done as we're on our way to our first projects. Bye bye Perry Point -- I'll see you in two months.
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