Our team immediately started jumping up and down with excitement. Typically, finding out you're moving into a room and sleeping among 10 other people on bunk beds doesn't stir up the type of joy you'd expect, but I think we've found a new appreciation and standard of living that only Camp Hope can provide. No longer do we have small cot-sized beds but we are now sleeping on full size (okay, twin) mattresses that can contain all of our limbs. The fear of falling several feet just from rolling over no longer exists, and we've each got our own bunk, so we all can (and will) be able to sleep on the bottom bunk.
Check out our original room vs. the new. It may not seem like much of a difference, but know that this is the life of luxury for Badger 6.
Wow, What luxury! sleep well, Badger 6 and have a great week!
(eileen's mom)
Congrats on the new beds!! They look so much more comfy and spacious than the old ones. Though I'm sure sleeping on our couch helped prepare you well for those original narrow mattresses.